Aims & Values
Our mission is to encourage our students to achieve excellence in education and Islamic character, inspiring and serving wider community.
We aim to provide excellent and quality teaching. Individual-centered education with correct tarbiyah (upbringing) equips our pupils to be exemplary Muslims, who are fully accustomed to both modern and traditional teachings. We aspire to give all pupils a true understanding of Islam, devoting them to the true Islamic values of lifelong-learning, tolerance and making positive contributions to society at large. We aim for the highest level of achievement in religious, cultural and academic performance by providing opportunities to pupils to reach their full potential.
Why Al-Rushd?
Why Al-Rushd?
Islamic Values and Identity
British curriculum
Smaller Class Sizes
Learning without Bullying
No more school runs!
Qualified teachers conduct interactive an engaging lessons LIVE, online!
Lessons are recorded so that students can recap and go over anything they would like to revise. Absent students can catch up afterward.
The lessons are more focussed so less time is required overall.
Students can interact with the teachers and peers during lesson via the online video platform